WTF Are We Supposed to Do Now?

Can you believe this shit? WTF happened to our country? No Sports anywhere, leagues closed, players sent home. Obviously, health is more important than sports but the few people who read this know what I mean.

Hysteria is rampant, rumors are the new source of info, Fuck Facebook, Fuck Trump and his incompetent administration, not preparing when the virus hit WuHan. All the trillions of dollars lost because of automated algorithms, sending sell signals when there was really no justification.

And don’t forget the phrase of the century, “Stay the Course” when referring to people’s investments. I personally lost about 80K because of bad advice from my own investment guy. He condescendingly told me that markets have cycles, in the long run you’ll be OK. I listened to him once a couple weeks ago and then when the shit really hit the fan, I did NOT listen to him.

I told him, get me the f out of the market, stat. He told me I had a certain amount, when the dust cleared I had $17 K less. He did, but not before getting out cost me a whole lotta cheddah. Great companies decimated because of an eerily human panicked algorithmic response to investor hysteria. Is that the wave of the future? If thats Artificial Intelligence then I want no part of it.

What can you do? Be smart for one thing, while investing your hard earned money, ask yourself if you can afford to lose money. If the answer is no, DON’T put it in the market. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Wouldn’t you rather have what you started with than the promise of a gain when you could lose it all?

Economic prosperity has a cycle and we stretched out our cycle long past its end because of a false confidence gained through a political administration that took away all the checks and balances put in place in 2008 to specifically avoid what is happenig right now. Yes I blame fuck face the Orange Maggot, Mr Bankruptcy himself, Donald Trump.

Why is the Federal Reserve having to inject capital into the markets to protect liquidity? Because they are foreseeing 1929 all over again. Smaller banks are leveraged to the hilt, corporations gorged on a plentiful, cheap credit supply and now the bill is coming due. Combined with a corporate tax cut that allows companies to pay almost nothing, while the American middle class foots the bill, we are kinda fucked.

Lowering the interest rate to 0% for interbank lending is the sign of a desperate measure, the Secretary of the Treasury better be right. The hysterical bleating of the news broadcasts, with their properly pinched and concerned faces disgusts me. I can’t watch it, it only fuels fear and causes more damage to people’s confidence.

It’s a rigged system, and we really find out in a crisis who has feet of clay and who knows WTF they are talking about. So turn off your TV, go outside and think about what YOU’RE gonna do. Talk to people, share ideas instead of fear. Because whatever the govt does, its guaranteed to not be enough, you are on your own.


Rest In Peace sweet prince. You are deeply loved.

Where to begin, how about the beginning?  Back in 2012, my wife Caroline was feeling a bit lonely and wanted a puppy to cheer her up.  Needing a companion for the many days she is home alone, she found this little fluffy corgi from up in a town called La Grange.

We met the breeder at the Bass Pro Shop in Manteca and acquired our beautiful friend.  We brought him home on 2/22/13 and what a handful he was.  He did everything at top speed, running, eating, playing, wrestling with his Dad and in general was a maniac.  Even going out to the bathroom.

As he grew into his puppyhood we went everywhere together.  He had a presence that didn’t allow you to leave him home.  We went hiking, running in the neighborhood, and to the dog parks so I could wear him out daily.  What a handful!  Every where we went, people would stare at him and remark, what a beautiful dog!

He also had a very playful side to him and cheered us up daily.  I played tug of war with him for months before he outgrew that habit, but he still was rambunctious and hyper.  After several months, he seemed to need a friend so we got Angus, a gorgeous little tricolor corgi puppy.

From the moment we brought Angus home, Reilly gently endured the crazy aggressive little Angus puppy.  He put up with a lot, torn ears, and cuts around his face from the little Tasmanian Devil puppy.  Angus helped shape Reilly’s personality and become the great dog he was because Reilly was patient and loving towards the new guy.

There was also a commanding side to Reilly, where he put Angus in his place by pinning him down once Angus crossed the line.  He would loom over him and put his big paw on his chest until Angus would say uncle. Once he was let up, Angus would resume the playful tearing and biting, Reilly would sigh and start over.

As I mentioned before, we went everywhere together including vacations to the woods in our tent trailer, and trips to SoCal to visit friends.  Have crate will travel, Reilly was perfect everywhere we went, Angus learning the ropes and becoming better as he grew.

We went to two CorgiCons in SF and had the best times.  At the first one, I was down by the water with both of the dogs and a large wave broke onto the beach, scattering people and dogs everywhere.  When I looked for Reilly he was gone!  I panicked and ran around like a chicken with my head cut off, vainly looking for him.  Couldn’t find him anywhere.  So I circled back up to where we had laid down our chairs, and there he was!  Looking at me like, What? I knew where to go, where were you?

As the years went by there were many hikes, beach days and two walks a day.  He only grew more regal and majestic as time went on.  As 2019 dawned anew, Reilly started to slow down, and hikes were no longer manageable for him.

We still went to the beach, his favorite place because thats where all his friends were.  Almost every dog he met he had an interaction with, almost always positive.  He loved to bump chests with big Labs, Huskys,  Standard Poodles and Rhodesian ridgebacks.  They towered over him, yet he could hold his own by leaping into the air like a dolphin.  Or he would come up on their flank and try to push them over so they could roll around on the sand.

Through it all, Reilly lived life to the fullest extent.  To the Nth degree.  He loved beef bones and would chew on them for hours.  When we left for hours he had to have a bone.  It was just what had to happen. Rocca’s has the best and we almost always have them in the freezer.

As I write this eulogy, I’m overwhelmed by memories, one of the strongest is in the evening, near bedtime, Reilly would be in the foyer upside down on the cool slate floor.  He would present his belly for me to rub and I would sink down to oblige.  Sometimes for five or ten minutes I would gain good karma and he would roll his eyes in pleasure because I know all the good places to scratch.

As I reflect on his life, I can honestly say I have never loved a dog more than Reilly.  I loved him more than I loved most people and will continue to think of him forever.  Angus misses his friend deeply, and has changed so much since his passing, much more reserved.  Thank God I have one little angel left, but it just isn’t the same.  Obviously….

I still cry over his death, and it was one of the hardest things I have ever dealt with.  The decision to send him over The Rainbow Bridge was made with love and certainty.  I second guess myself constantly, but in my heart I know they are just thoughts and wishful thinking. If you saw him on his last day, you would know I ended his suffering mercifully and it was right and just.

I want to thank several people for supporting me in my grief, Caroline, Peter, Brian and Linda, Andrew, my children and Charlie.

I’ll say it again, and you can say it with me:  Goodnight sweet Reilly, you are the King of all Corgis and you will live on forever in my heart.

See you on the other side, I’ll have a bone for you.